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Instagram Back Up After Outage: A Look at the Impact on Social Media Marketing

Instagram Back Up After Outage: A Look at the Impact on Social Media Marketing

As a social media marketer, I rely heavily on Instagram to promote my clients’ brands. So, when the app went down for several hours on July 14, 2021, it sent shockwaves through the industry. In this article, I’ll explore the impact of Instagram’s outage on social media marketing, how businesses responded, Instagram’s response, the importance of having a backup plan, alternative platforms to consider during an outage, lessons learned, and how to prepare for future outages.

Introduction to Instagram’s Recent Outage

On July 14, 2021, Instagram experienced a global outage that lasted for several hours. During this time, users were unable to post, view stories, or access the app’s features. Many turned to Twitter to express their frustration and make memes about the situation. The outage affected not only everyday users but also businesses that heavily rely on Instagram to promote their products and services.

Illustration shows Instagram logo

The Impact of the Outage on Social Media Marketing

The outage had a significant impact on social media marketing. Businesses that rely on Instagram to reach their target audience were unable to do so during the outage. This meant that planned campaigns had to be postponed or canceled, resulting in lost revenue and missed opportunities. Some businesses even reported losing followers or engagement due to the outage.

In addition, the outage highlighted the dangers of relying solely on one social media platform for marketing purposes. It’s important to have a diverse marketing strategy that includes multiple platforms to ensure that your brand isn’t completely dependent on one platform.

How Businesses Responded to the Outage

Many businesses took to other social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, to communicate with their followers during the outage. Some even made light of the situation with humorous posts and memes. Others used the downtime to plan future campaigns and content.

However, some businesses were caught off guard and didn’t have a backup plan in place. This highlighted the importance of having a contingency plan in case of future outages.

Instagram’s Response to the Outage

Instagram took to Twitter to acknowledge the outage and assure users that they were working on a fix. They later released a statement apologizing for the inconvenience and explaining that the outage was caused by a server issue. However, many users criticized the lack of communication during the outage and the fact that it took several hours for the app to be restored.

The Importance of Having a Backup Plan for Social Media Marketing

The outage served as a wake-up call for businesses that rely heavily on social media marketing. It’s important to have a backup plan in case of future outages or issues with a social media platform. This could include having a presence on multiple platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, or having an email list that you can use to communicate with your followers.

In addition, it’s important to have a crisis communication plan in place. This should include clear guidelines on how to communicate with your followers during an outage or other crisis, as well as backup content that can be used in case of a delay or cancellation of planned content.


Other Social Media Platforms to Consider During an Outage

During the outage, many businesses turned to other social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, to communicate with their followers. It’s important to have a presence on multiple platforms to ensure that you can still reach your target audience during an outage. Other platforms to consider include LinkedIn, TikTok, and Pinterest.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that each platform has its own unique audience and content requirements. It’s important to tailor your content to each platform to ensure that it resonates with your followers.

Lessons Learned from Instagram’s Outage

The outage served as a valuable lesson for businesses that rely on social media marketing. It highlighted the importance of having a backup plan in place and the dangers of relying solely on one platform. It also emphasized the need for clear communication during a crisis and the importance of having a crisis communication plan in place.

In addition, the outage highlighted the importance of diversifying your marketing strategy. This could include exploring other platforms or investing in other marketing channels, such as email marketing or influencer marketing.

How to Prepare for Future Social Media Outages

To prepare for future outages, it’s important to have a backup plan in place. This could include having a presence on multiple platforms, having an email list, and having a crisis communication plan. It’s also important to diversify your marketing strategy to ensure that you’re not completely reliant on one platform.

In addition, it’s important to stay up-to-date on social media trends and changes. This will help you anticipate potential issues and stay ahead of the curve.

The Instagram outage served as a wake-up call for businesses that rely on social media marketing. It highlighted the importance of having a backup plan in place, diversifying your marketing strategy, and staying up-to-date on social media trends. By taking these steps, businesses can prepare for future outages and ensure that their marketing efforts are not completely derailed by a platform issue.




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